Tuesday, January 14, 2014

My Little Puppy!!!

So we went to go see these cool ancient Buddhist ruins that are 2,000 years old.  It was a cool place to see!  But I got a little distracted….  There are TONS of dogs here, I mean TONS!  And probably 98-99% of them are strays and I’ve been good about holding myself back from petting them.  I know I shouldn’t pet stray dogs….. But how on earth am I supposed to not pet a puppy?!  Impossible!  Especially this little guy!!!

So anyways I got supper distracted on our visit to see the ruins because the puppy was so cute!  I wish I could have taken him back with me; it killed me to leave him! L L L But we did go back to the same place a few days later and I saw him hanging out with the guards so hopefully they are taking care of him!  

Oh yeah, and here's some pictures of the ruins. ;) 

Pictures from the second trip to this site:

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